Waste, Recycling, and Repurposing
Corporate Headquarters
At our corporate headquarters, we maintain an active recycling program, including the recycling of wastepaper products, glass, metal, electronics, and packaging waste. We encourage employees to seek out and utilize recycled content and reduced packaging options where available and feasible. In connection with our transition to new office space in May 2024, we have also implemented additional initiatives, including the reduction of single-use plastic bottles and coffee containers, and offer a beverage station and reusable water bottles to our team members. We also worked collaboratively with building management to donate old office workstations for reuse to a New York-based non-profit organization.
Golf Courses
All of our golf courses have implemented recycling programs, which encourage employees and customers to participate in recycling consumer waste, including paper, glass, and plastic (including packaging waste). Our golf courses also retain on-site landscape materials and soil generated from landscaping and maintenance activities and stockpile and repurpose them for use in other areas. The CDN Golf team continues to consider ways to further reduce waste generation and divert generated waste from landfills, including the case studies set forth below.
Strategy Snapshots

Reducing Consumption
At Grand Bear Golf Club, the team recently completed an on-site greenhouse that will enable us to produce landscaping greenery and provide fresh produce for on-site consumption.

Reducing Plastic Waste
At Chariot Run Golf Club, the team is implementing a program to replace plastic water bottles used on property with reusable aluminum bottles offered to guests and employees.
Last updated: September 9, 2024