Our Corporate Responsibility Commitment
As owners of valuable real estate assets on behalf of our stockholders, we recognize the importance of corporate responsibility. We are committed to sustainable business practices that encourage a culture of economic, environmental and social responsibility through our business activities regardless of geographic location, within the scope of our capabilities, and consistent with applicable laws and regulations and our Code of Business Conduct and other policies. We strive to foster open dialogue with and active participation by our stakeholders in advancing our corporate responsibility initiatives as part of our business practices, including the ongoing development, implementation and evaluation of these commitments and periodic stakeholder materiality assessments to obtain direct feedback and inform our strategies.
Our Core Commitments

Environmental Responsibility
Our commitment to environmental responsibility is embodied by our efforts to improve the environmental performance of our headquarters and externally managed golf course operations and to promote the sustainability and long-term climate resilience of properties across our triple-net leased portfolio by supporting our tenants’ implementation of environmental sustainability initiatives at our properties (as feasible within the scope of our triple-net lease structure).

Social Responsibility
Our commitment to social responsibility is embodied by our ongoing efforts to nurture our company culture and provide for the health, safety, wellbeing, professional development and satisfaction of our employees. We also seek to drive societal impact through supporting the charitable organizations and communities in which we operate and own properties and demonstrate our commitment to corporate social responsibility through volunteering, regular giving, and taking advantage of unique opportunities as they arise.

Operational Responsibility
We are committed to business ethics, as reflected in our Code of Business Conduct, which establishes our policy to conduct our business activities with the highest level of integrity and ethical standards and our expectation that our officers, employees, and directors adhere to high ethical standards in their conduct with respect to areas including anti-money laundering, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, gifts and entertainment, potential conflicts of interest, competition and fair dealing, sanctions, and strict compliance and reporting requirements.

ESG Reporting
On an annual basis, we release a consolidated Environmental Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance Report, which outlines our continuing efforts to advance our ESG initiatives in the course of operating our business. Our reporting efforts are aligned with the Task-Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) – Real Estate Standard, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Our most recent report, the VICI Properties 2023-2024 ESG Report, was released in September 2024. Our historical annual reports are also available:
Impact of our Triple-Net Lease Structure
Within our real estate investment trust (“REIT”) model, our leased properties are subject to long-term triple-net leases, which generally provide that our tenants retain exclusive operational control of the properties and are solely responsible for management and operation of the property and all related expenses, including taxes, insurance, operating expenses such as maintenance, repair, and capital improvement, and utilities. Our corporate responsibility efforts, including our environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) programs, are guided by the characteristics of our triple-net lease operating model. For additional information, please refer to Our Triple-Net Lease Model.
ESG Oversight
Our Board of Directors, through the Nominating and Governance Committee, has ultimate oversight of the Company’s ESG programs. The Nominating and Governance Committee is responsible for, among other things, reviewing and overseeing our ESG policies, goals, and initiatives, including with respect to environmental sustainability, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”). For further details, please refer to the Nominating and Governance Committee Charter.
Our ESG program is led internally by the ESG Committee, which consists of employees across functional areas and professional levels, including our Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, General Counsel. The ESG Committee meets regularly to consider, implement, and oversee our ESG strategy and initiatives, and reports to the Nominating and Governance Committee on a quarterly basis. This cross functional team includes input from key management functions such as finance, operations, legal and accounting, and is responsible for monitoring our environmental performance, facilitating environmental sustainability efforts, and facilitating communication with stakeholders on ESG matters.
In addition, the Company has various employee-led initiatives that contribute to components of our ESG program, including the Management Committee, the DEI Committee and our VICI Volunteers. Refer to our most recent ESG Report for additional information on these committees and their efforts.
Last updated: September 9, 2024