Through the ownership of golf courses, we interact with various species, habitats, and ecosystems and recognize the importance of protecting biodiversity to support the sustainable development of our golf course properties. Each of our golf courses participates in The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf, sponsored by Audubon International, which is an education and certification program that helps golf courses protect the environment, preserve the natural heritage of the game of golf, promote environmental sustainability, and gain recognition for the efforts of golf course operators. In pursuing certification through the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program, our golf courses seek to implement environmental management practices that enhance existing natural habitats and landscaping to promote wildlife and biodiversity conservation. Our biodiversity programs at our golf courses include the evaluation of existing golf course elements to implement projects that encourage naturalized habitats for local flora and fauna by restoring native plant species, building and supporting habitats for local wildlife, and maintaining responsible landscaping and maintenance practices.
For additional information on the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf, please refer to Audubon International’s website.

Strategy Snapshot: Restoring Naturalized Habitats
At both Grand Bear Golf Club and Chariot Run Golf Club, the teams have installed bird nesting boxes throughout the courses to encourage bluebirds and other local species and work with a local organization to monitor the success of this program. At Chariot Run Golf Club, more than 50 bird houses were installed with more than 125 birds fledged since installation.
Last updated: September 9, 2024